Releasing Anger and Blame


Everyone gets angry; it’s a normal, human emotion. And, despite its bad reputation, anger itself isn’t the problem. It’s when we suppress our feelings that we end up causing harm to ourselves and those around us. When we understand how to process our frustration, it can serve as a powerful tool to help us thrive and grow.



Elisheva:  Good Morning. Good Evening. Good afternoon everyone, wherever you are and welcome to the Weekly Energy Boost. I’m here this morning with David. This week we are covering our second episode focusing on releasing anger and blame. So, if you didn’t catch last week’s show, hit pause and get back over there whether you are listening on podcast, Facebook, IGTV, YouTube – go to last week’s shows (July 20th) episode and catch up on that. Today we are going to be taking a whole page of my notebook of questions and a page of my notebook of tools to help our listeners release the anger and blame. Whether it’s ancient anger and blame … I know there’s a lot of people out there who consider themselves angry people and they might even pride themselves on that … we are going to talk about how to let that stuff go.  

David: A lot of times in our classes we ask people, “Do you have an anger problem?” And of course, maybe only 2-3 people raise their hand. After we go through the workshops and we learn it Kabbalstically, probably ninety-five percent of the class realizes that they have an anger problem. Because it’s not what people think it is – rage, throwing things, bulging veins etc. It’s very hidden within ourselves and our body. We all have it somewhere and its festering and it’s causing some form of spiritual sickness. 

Elisheva: We chose this topic (them) for the last couple of weeks because … I don’t know if you notice but it’s definitely in the air, it’s on social media – everybody’s angry and we are here to provide the solutions. That’s what the Weekly Energy Boost is – it is your 7-day energy forecast and what David and I do is we bring you the most practical and powerful prescriptions from the wisdom of Kabbalah.

So, some of it is different ways to think, different ways to act. So as to deflect from whatever the basic premise is – giving us all the reasons in the world to be angry so that we will be angry – but so that we will overcome that tendency and transform it and that’s really what the next 48 minutes is about. 

David: Where do you want to start? 

Elisheva: First, I want to thank everybody who posted questions and comments in last week’s show. I got a lot of emails last week and on one hand I want to thank everybody, and on the other hand I can’t promise that we’ll get to everybody’s questions because we also want to provide solutions. And I think that going through those questions is actually a great way to put out some of those solutions. And if we don’t get to your question … I think I answered most of the emails already. If we don’t get to them on the show, I will answer them personally. So never fear, we won’t call you out either and tell you who asked what. So, one of the big themes that I saw in email, but also in the comments (from the comments) is that a lot of people are angry about things that happened in their past. We got an email from someone whose mother was not present in their childhood – actually alcoholic, mentally/verbally abusive sometimes and even physically abusive. And even though now things are “okay”, there’s still that elephant in the room that she did some terrible things  –emotional and physical damage. The question the person asked is, “How do I let that go or am I just supposed to live with it?” And that was the question that came up in a few of the emails that I got … is, “Am I just supposed to let it be or am I supposed to work on it?” 

David: The number one question I ask when somebody brings a problem to me, and it’s such a simple question, but it’s the foundation of why many times we’re going in the same loop. And people are wondering, “Why am I in the same loop? Attracting the same situations?” There is a problem that I can’t get rid of … there is a pain that is with me for a while and I can’t heal that pain.

And the question that we all need to ask ourselves is, “What is it that I really want?” And the reason why that is important is that because each one of us is so powerful – powerful on a soul level, on a body/ physical level – we have a lot of power and we don’t realize it. But the way that our spiritual makeup is, is that we can attract whatever reality we want. The universe will bend to our will, to our desire. The Creator gave us that freewill and basically said I will not intervene, and I will give you free will to decide whatever it is that you want. 

So, when somebody has chaos, it’s not that they want chaos, but there are so many parts of the chaos that bring them instant gratification and pleasure – it’s familiar, it’s habitual – and as a result they want those things and so they get the whole chaos package with it. So, what I mean by that is, a person says, “I am still angry with my parents or my mom, or my dad or somebody who hurt me in the past, and I don’t want to be angry”. Let’s break that down. Maybe you don’t want to be angry. Who wants to be angry? But there is some pleasure in holding somebody else accountable. There is some pleasure in being upset with someone. There is some pleasure in blame. There is some instant gratification. 

The negative forces in our lives want us to always look for what we call the “little pleasures”. So, there is some benefit that we all have to staying stuck. Staying stuck has some little pleasure – and there is a service to it – and that’s the only reason that we don’t heal. That we don’t move on. Now what happens after that? And the steps to healing – and whether it’s kabbalah or some other method you use – that is secondary. The first thing is … What are you ready to let go of? The little pleasures that you get from the pain hut or blame that you feel.  

Elisheva:  Sometimes it’s also are you willing to be uncomfortable with taking responsibility for your part of the story. And that’s the way that sometimes anger serves us – prevents us or protects us from having to take responsibility for making poor decisions or being reactive ourselves. Acting out of anger, we make mistakes, we do things that we wouldn’t otherwise do or say – so part of that is, “How does getting angry serve me?” Or blaming the other person serve me?” It’s often so that I don’t have to make a certain effort … either inner effort or external effort.  

David: So, someone was messaging me late at night last week and saying, “I am really angry about something and I thought maybe I could run it by you so you could help.” So, I said, “Okay” and “It’s late, so let’s just text massage.” So, he said, “I am really angry at the way the country is going.” … that whole thing. Look at what’s happening in this city, that city and all these different things just vomiting everything on the text about how upset he is and how worried and how scared he is. And he said, “You’re not upset about all of this?” And I said, “No, I am not really that upset about it.” And he said “Why?” And I said, “Well, I’m going to wake up and go to work and do what I always do.” And I gave him my whole schedule, and I said, “Why don’t you do the same thing?” And he said, “No, but what about this and that …?” And I said, “Yah. All those things are there, but what’s going to happen … what’s the worst-case scenario?” And he explained all these worst-case scenarios – civil war, etc.– and I said, “When is that going to happen?” And he said, “It’s going to happen in a year.” And I said, “So you are saying I have 365 days to enjoy myself?” And he was confused. And I said, “Yeah. If the worst case is going to happen in one day, ten days, three hundred and sixty-five days etc. … then I better enjoy and connect to the pleasure of each of the days. And when that civil war or that thing occurs, I will find another way to enjoy my life.”  The point being – I don’t want to connect to the chaos. There is always going to be chaos. Forget about the chaos … that ‘may not even happen’.  People have a choice every day. There is a world of chaos (1% reality) and a world of Tree of Life (pleasure happiness, etc.), and you can choose to connect to that. And that’s not irresponsible, because you can’t give what you don’t have. So, if you are connecting to happiness, choosing joy, choosing the system of how to live your life according to those rules – to have so much energy and so much light – you’ll be given the wisdom that you need and information that you need in how to actually improve things or help things. But it’s this whole hysteria around the chaos that is ‘coming’ that is ‘here’… I’m angry about this or that. All that is a trick that keeps people trapped.  

Elisheva:  Let’s bring that back to the question at hand. This person, and I am sure many of our listeners have something to be rightfully angry about from their past – some way that they were wronged, they were hurt, they were mistreated. And I think what David is trying to say – and this is on the tool side of my little notepad – if you subscribe to that principle that everything that happens in my life, in my movie happens for my greatest good and to get me to my ultimate self, then whatever you go through in childhood, etc. is there to get you to your greatest good. We are not talking about a situation that makes us angry. We are talking about a situation from this listener's past that was there and when it happened, she was angry then and she’s also still angry now. Kabbalists say if you are constantly looking for the good, that you will overtime diminish and whittle away the residual anger – so that you actually change how you experienced that difficult situation. 

I was reading a couple of articles over the weekend and a similar concept came up … That when something tragic happens – and I know there are a lot of people say “There are a lot of bad things happening out there how do you just look for the good? There’s nothing good that is happening in X,Y, and Z.” And I read this article by Karen Berg, and she was saying that there are a lot of people that went through difficult things when young, and that difficult thing propelled them to start a movement, or a charity or a business or a career of helping others. There was a way to take that piece of coal and turn it into a diamond. 

So, point number one I want to put out there for releasing that anger and blame is – when you are not angry, and in that state, look for the Good. Look for how the situation made you more sensitive, caring, compassionate. Look for how the challenge made you look for a certain type of partner, etc. in your life. There are so many dimensions that you can live in any given situation. The Kabbalists say that if you can find the crack that lets the light into the situation that crack will grow and grow and diminish the darkness until it’s gone forever.

David: Someone posted right now that it’s so hard to look for the good. So, for example if you had a father that kept on telling you that you were useless and every day from the age of 12 to eighteen, so let’s take that real quick … So, imagine you had someone in your life, and in this case, a parent who put you down in all your teenage years. Kabbalistically we know, our soul came to this world and it had certain corrections that we need to make – negativity, fears and things from past lives that we didn’t resolve or fix that we bring into this life. So, this soul went to the family – into his current father and mother – knowing that his dad with verbally abusive ways would be the perfect platform for … let’s call him “Max” to achieve his greatness. It looks like the opposite that the father is there to diminish his greatness or suffocating his greatness and the best visual to tool is the slingshot.  

Elisheva:  We talked about this last week. 

David: Right. When people are putting you down – it’s like they are pulling back a slingshot. Like when people are throwing a baseball and they wind back … you have to pull it back to propel farther! You can’t just keep your hand all the way ahead all the way forward, etc. – it would just drop. When you cock it back – everything needs to be cocked back … the arrow, the slingshot, etc. Everything needs to be pulled back. And the farther back it pulled, the greater the inertia and momentum is that much stronger and that is how you can achieve that distance. 

Let’s not get bogged down in who pulled you back, or held you back or kept you down, etc. And who did what or what they said. What we know is they pulled us back. What we know is they held us back. And that is essential to the forward momentum that I am going to have. The question is … the founder of the Kabbalah Center Rav Ashlag explains that if you pick a fruit before its maturation, it is always going to be sour/bitter – an apple or plum, and you pick it before it’s ripe … it’s going to be bitter/sour and you are going to suffer. If you wait to the exact moment, if you take it the distance … it’s going to be sweet and you are going to love that fruit. You are going to tell everybody about that fruit. So, when something still feels bad – it means I haven’t gotten it to the point where it’s ripe. Everything can be ripe.  

So even the situation with your Dad or parents that was very painful, etc. … there is a ripe ending to that situation. It will be ripe one day; we just haven’t gotten there. Okay, so when am I going to get there? We have free will to speed up that process and that you could get there tomorrow if you want to experience and pleasure in your life as opposed to blame. Blame, which also has a lot of pleasure, but not as much as letting go of blame … we don’t know that but it’s true. If you are ready to do that, you can taste that fruit tomorrow, or 10 years. Or Kabbalistically, through reincarnation, the Max’s soul will leave and will choose his dad again – and it could be in a different way that he chooses to marry the soul of his dad. Or could be a business partner in the next life. Bottom line is that there will be a conflict that must be resolved.  

And some of us have business partners that put us down, political system, economy, etc. And it’s all because in a past life we had this ‘put down energy’ – this issue/conflict and we did not resolve it. We didn’t rise above it and push the fruit to its ripening, and as result we have to experience and do it all over again. 

So, the question is … do you want to come back with your dad? And maybe it will be a son … that is like the problem son because I didn’t resolve it when my son was my dad, etc.  

Elisheva:  I think what David is saying … and it probably deserves its own class, is that the tendency when someone has hurt us is to get back at them and to hurt them. It happened to my son who was playing a video game, and someone stole his points, so he said, “I’m going to go and steal theirs.” And I said, “That is not the way the universe works. You are not god’s policeman. Let the system of cause and effect that exists in our universe take over and take charge.” And one of the things – apropos to what David was saying – is that you don’t want to attract any of that unnecessary chaos to whatever is essential to your movie/process/greatness. 

Elisheva:  So, tool number one is … Find the good in a situation.  

Not when you are angry … none of this applies. Once you are angry and already in the throes of anger, all of this becomes useless. We are talking about first preventative. And now we are going to talk about – with this next question – in the MOMENT. You are being triggered. You have the opportunity to get angry. What do you do to diffuse that? 

David: And finding the good is often times about what about that situation allowed me to expand, to become greater? Or how can I become greater from it? That helps you ripen the fruit. As soon as you can push for that gift that you achieve because of the suffering you went through, you ripen the fruit, and you close off that chapter. But until you get there – you are still in that sour spot; that the fruit is not ripe yet. 

Elisheva:  I think one other nugget that goes with that … I’ll just frost the cake with this … is that in this particular case, we are talking about how anger affects us. But most of the situations that get us angry, are situations that we can do NOTHING about. I am thinking about the person that you were texting with; if you’re upset about how the country is run. In this very second, he cannot do anything about it. You can you vote. You can canvas the things that you believe in. But at 11:00pm at night, there is nothing you can do to change that situation that he was angry about. And that is also a way … something that helps me is to help diffuse the situation. Anger comes to show me, to show us that something is not right. The question is, can I do something about it? If so GREAT! Put my energy in creating the change. If I can’t, let it go. 

David: Here’s something powerful to add to that. Anything that is done reactively, in this case from anger – anger is a form of reactive behavior – or from anger, the energy of it immediately goes into a black hole.  

I was thinking … Does every vote count? Spiritually – the votes you do from anger DO NOT COUNT. 

If you vote because you are upset, or angry, or trying to get someone back, or punish someone else – that vote actually … energetically that vote disappears. It’s like someone drops your ballot in a fire. It didn’t get to its destination. 

You build a business, you start a relationship, you end a relationship, etc. – anything you do from ANGER, it’s as if you never even did it. And not only that, it sets you back and brings you more chaos.  

Elisheva:  We had a comment, that “If I don’t act angry, people won’t respect me.”

David: So, here’s that small pleasure. Sometimes it looks like when we are angry, we achieve something. And here’s that small pleasure – the opponent, that negative energy in the world … we all have it. The opponent will make you feel as if your anger has achieved some result/success to your favor. In the first 5 minutes, it serves you a little bit … it’s got to give you a little drug. But then, in the end, he takes all of it. So, the result is that it is total destruction. But it will always feel it is working in the beginning.  

Elisheva:  Instant gratification with no lasting results. I don’t think any of us wants “no lasting results”. I think we want to know that we’ve done something. And I think that’s the second question that someone wrote in saying “Okay … and this is someone that has taken Kabbalah One, because he was using the language in the email. “Okay someone comes, pushes my buttons and I pause and let it go. And another comes and pushes my button and I pause and let it go … by the 10th person, how could I not be angry already?” 

David: That goes to Tikkun, and that is what we are talking about in the Global Kabbalah class. 

“Pause … what a pleasure” is great in the moment. But if something happens more than once – let’s say it happens two times – it means that there is something INTERNALLY that I am weak at … or a fear or some kind of negativity that I need to then address and transform so that the same situation doesn’t keep coming back and pressing my buttons. 

Elisheva:  Inside his question was half the answer. When something enters your radar that has the ability to anger you and I say, “Well I don’t get angry.” Okay you get frustrated, you get upset … those are all low frequencies of anger. Eventually what the person who wrote in is saying is that in the beginning he’s frustrated, annoyed but by the 10th time he loses it. The first thing we talk about in Kabbalah One is ‘Pause. What a pleasure.’ And that ability to say “wait a second, I get to decide how this affects me. I get to decide what to do here.” And for me, not only as a teacher of this concept, but as an experience of it – the realization (and teaching this to kids is so powerful) most of the world doesn’t know that they can choose their response. Most of the worlds thinks, this is who I am — they think I am an angry person, a sad person, a controlling person, etc. People … it’s very animalistic. If there is something that you can’t help or you can’t control, this is where the PAUSING needs to take place. 

David: We have had some of our largest numbers ever. And I have been wondering why we haven’t beaten this other spiritual podcast that is ahead of us and it’s about ‘Sex and Witchcraft’; and its more popular than ours. And it got me thinking … How are we going to beat that? And I realized that people want … that they want something mystical, something deep. And that was the message for me. And maybe at some point we will talk about Sex and Witchcraft from a Kabbalistic point of view, because there is a point of view. You aren’t laughing? You were laughing in the car when I was talking about it … So, my segue is that our audience wants some deep stuff. And we have three levels to our soul – and the lowest level, our animalistic soul, is called our Nefesh and controls us and inhibits our ability to use that executive function. And the reason that it is important is … is you already living according to the animalistic/Nefesh part of your soul. That’s the kind of person that is always reacting. You don’t have a choice. You feel like you don’t even have free will. Something happens and you respond. A problem happens and you try to fix it. Someone upsets you … you get angry. There’s no pause to REVERSE your reactive behavior.  

Elisheva:  You are not even listening anymore. You are thinking about how you are going to respond without even hearing the other person. 

David: Exactly. And that is reactive behavior. And that’s why Kabbalah One – the first class is mind blowing because the first step is to PAUSE, and not to restrict the reactive behavior. 

Elisheva:  And by the way, people get annoyed and want to know  – after we pause, then what do we do?  

David: Yes. Just pause. Not suppress. Because pausing, and not knowing why I am pausing is SUPPRESSION. And that leads to anger.  

Pausing … knowing that at that moment, I am becoming ‘like the Creator’, I access the light of this Universe. I connect to that spiritual GPS, that spiritual WAZE that then will guide me. Well, how will I know where and how it will guide me? You are not supposed to ask that question. Because the minute you pause – knowing that you are connecting to the light of the creator – the light starts to enter your system and this is where you connect to the second part of the soul (which is Ruach) and literally translates to spirit, divine spirit or divine inspiration. So, the moment a person pauses, they rise above the Nefesh and they connect to that second part of their soul which gives them divine inspiration.  

So, if you ever wanted to know how to see the future, how to know what do to, who to talk to, what decision to make – you can never do it from that animalistic soul. Which means that if you are a reactive person and especially an angry person, you will never be given the wisdom of the future.  

The highest level, Neshamah, is prophecy and is literally where you have complete vision of the future. And some people have glimpses of these two souls … but imagine having it all the time. 

When people are on drugs, they also touch these parts of the soul. But when you are on drugs, you are connecting to that energy unearned; so, there is a chaos that happens afterwards because you can’t take something for free. So, the Ru’ach and the Neshamah, which is what we all want – that vision, the ability to know what to say and how to say it. We want to be a channel. We want something higher than us, guiding us. It says that the Ru’ach and the Neshamah leave us when as soon as a person is angry … and the Nefesh stays.  

Also, when a person dies the Ru’ach and Neshamah of a person leaves 30 days before they die. It’s known that your soul knows the day of your death. You can obviously reverse that … that’s why we always want to be on top of our spirituality and on top of our tests. This is the concept of anger and what happens on a soul level. 

Elisheva:  Very simply, in the Zohar – which is the main text from which we draw this wisdom – anger is likened to idol worshipping. The Ru’ach and Neshamah leave a person and whatever spiritual level they are at is wiped away completely – and what’s left is a person that eats, drinks and sleeps. And one of the other questions we got is “What do you do if you are living with a person that is constantly angry? Is there anything we can do to protect ourselves from that energy?” It’s one thing if it’s an angry boss and you get to go home at the end of the day. And it’s another if you live with that person, especial these days when we are probably spending more time and home than ever. What can we do? And the Zohar says it is important to create a buffer between angry people and ourselves. Constitutional anger might have a different category, because by nature they are just angry all the time and not situational but constitutional. What would you say there? Uh-oh, let me crawl under the table right now.

David: Yah, you’re going to walk out after this one. So, it reminded me of something that happened with a student maybe ten years ago when I was in New York. Whenever you have a complaint about your partner – someone you live with or are romantically involved with – you can’t just escape it or get out of it. How do I deal with their anger, infidelity, emotional ups and downs? 

I always tell a person, “Before we can even ask this question, lets deal with the low hanging fruit with your own personal fears and selfishness”.  

We can’t even discuss what to do with this other person. There is no confrontation, there is nothing we can do with this other person until you (on a basic level) make a list of all the spiritual things that YOU need to do – where YOU are reactive, where YOU have ANGER, where YOU have fears, where YOU have neediness. And we spend the next two months, step by step, Kabbalistically overcoming and transforming that. Then you will create a light in the home that will definitely transform your scenario.  

But until then … and feel free to leave the room if you have to. There was this guy, great guy –successful, from the outside normal – and he is telling me that his “… wife is not interested in intimacy with me.” and always angry with him. “What do you want me to do? I am spiritual, work hard, provide for the family, etc.” But his wife just didn’t want any intimacy. And this is a common thing in marriages. After a certain point – and I looked at him, let’s say his name is Jon, his name wasn’t John – I said, “John, something just came to mind. Do you have an addiction to porn and anything of that nature?” And he said, “Well, what does that have to do with anything?” And I said, “Look, it’s not about good or bad or religion. You are taking energy from something just for yourself. Forget about even spiritual ramifications of that, but your wife feels #2. Even if she doesn’t know about it, she still feels #2. 

It’s not that she is upset at him because she SEES what he is doing … there is an ENERGETIC vacuum. So, I said, “We can’t even talk about HER and what she is doing or not doing, when you aren’t even in your own desires.” And he said he had an addiction since he was young, etc. But that’s the whole point. It doesn’t even matter if you are addicted to Bananas … the fact that you aren’t in control of your desires is attracting a WOMAN who isn’t in control of her desires – even though the woman is in his life for 20 years. The version of her right now is a reflection of what he is doing and who he is behind closed doors.   

I could guarantee if she left him and went with another man, she would all the sudden have no intimacy issues … because the person becomes a reflection of where you are spiritually. So, until you become the master of your desires and the master of your domain (which you are not), you can’t expect to attract people who are in control of their desires. And especially have positive desires towards you. Ninety-five percent have that problem ...

Elisheva:  This is when I leave the room. 

David: This is when you leave the room [laughs]. And I bring it up … and I know its uncomfortable, but I tell men – and men who want to know about building wealth, career, whatever – I tell them the #1 thing is to be in control of yourself in those areas. And it’s not about good or bad. We don’t go into good or bad or morals or talk about that in Kabbalah, that’s not what Kabbalah is about. It’s about being in control. If you are not in control of your reactive desires and addictions, you block that channel that is called YESOD – which represents sustenance … especially sustenance. And children, children start acting up and different things … but definitely sustenance. A man who wants to become wealthy has to be in charge, control of that part of his life.  

Elisheva:  What about people that get angry when they are drunk, intoxicated on something, etc.? People that don’t get angry unless they are on a substance. 

David: We know that when a person drinks, they draw an energy called Light of Wisdom – that’s why people enjoy alcohol.That’s why alcohol is powerful; it draws light. 

Elisheva:  What David is saying is a positive right now, he’s not explaining about when a person drinks.

David: Yeah, they draw a certain light and that’s why drinking in certain ways with a certain intention and certain purpose is joyful and positive. Obviously if you over drink, or drink too much, and drink for the wrong reasons – you draw that energy and the cup overflows and creates a spiritual chaos. But it says that when a person draws that energy – you learn the truth about them. So, how a person is when they are drunk is very indicative of their Tikkun. So, when you start to lose control, then the Tikkun of the person comes out. The true nature of the person. So, some people get angry; some people get sad; some people get silly; some people get lovey-dovey. It means at the CORE, that is WHO they are. Who you are when you are drunk is at the core of who you are … And of course, there are a lot of traits and desires around it, but just an interesting fact. I don’t know if that answers your question? 

Elisheva:  Somebody wrote about a person that is fine unless they drink. But when they drink, they get angry.  

David: So, it means that they are suppressing this Tikkun that they have – they have some hurt, they have some pain, they are upset with something or someone and they are just not talking about it. And it comes out when they are drunk.  

Elisheva:  Right, so the real answer is that it doesn’t make it any real or less serious if they keep it in check … it’s still there.

David: Correct. We are not talking about suppressing the anger. We are talking about doing what requires the most amount of strength.  

Elisheva: Are we talking about drugs as well? Or just drinking? 

David: I would say both. But there are so many different types of drugs.  

Elisheva:  Alcohol is alcohol … and I realize that wine, beer, liquor have different strengths. But the thing that is doing the work is the alcohol within them. With drugs there are so many different types of drugs – some drugs bring a person up, some slow a person down, etc. 

David: I wanted to share one or two tools on how to deal with anger as it is happening now.  

Elisheva:  Yes, for sure. All the other questions need this answer, so let’s talk about it. 

David: So, number one is a powerful concept that I hear all the time from the classes of our teacher Rav Bergs teachings from the TLE (Ten Luminous Emanations), the highest study of Kabbalah. And he says that person should realize that everything in this world is an illusion, and that even though something looks broken or chaotic that is in front of you, there are 2 worlds simultaneously – the broken version of what is happening, but there is also the perfected version in a parallel reality (simultaneously happening). That’s the more mystical way of looking at it. 

Let’s say all the sudden something happened, and you lost money in your business, stock market; lost a client, lost a customer. You think you lost something, but Kabbalist say there is a parallel reality where that didn’t happen. Or maybe it happened, meaning the energy didn’t leave. So even though it looks like you lost $1000 physical dollars … 

Elisheva: The irony is that let’s say you lose it in the stock market. There’s no physical dollars it’s just digits.  

David: Right, it’s just digits. That’s why day trading can be so reactive because every moment which is up and down, but the long-term view is always, usually positive. So, let’s say at that same moment let’s say a person steals something from you – in/at that moment you can say that’s an illusion. That’s where pause comes in and you are saying, the negativity I am seeing is an illusion and I am not going to react to it. In fact, I am going to get excited about it. The excitement and that positive frequency that you create – the frequency of certainty, the frequency of sharing, the frequency of everything is great – shifts you to the world where the theft never happened. ‘Yah, but well I am still out $1000 bucks’ is this some kind of a head trip where I am trying to trick myself into feeling good.  

Kabbalists say NO.  

You say that it is an illusion, have certainty, have that positive vibration – and at that exact moment because you never lost the ENERGY of the $1000. 

Elisheva: And you didn’t give energy to the false reality. I think one of the things that attracts chaos for a lot of us is we give so much energy to the loss rather than the reality we do want.

David: Exactly. Because wherever you GIVE energy – that is where your SOUL goes. So, so you give energy to that PERFECTED reality – which you can’t see, you can’t feel, you don’t even know if it exists – but you are saying Kabbalah teaches me it exists, so I am going to GIVE energy to it. And then, all of the sudden … and you never lost the spiritual money, you just lost the physical cash … all of the sudden the physical cash will also come back in some way. Maybe not in the same way. And maybe you never catch the thief, and you make the money somewhere else, and it comes back even more.  

So, one of the ways in which to resolve anger is to realize that everything that you are seeing - in the news, in your feed, from your friends, at the dinner table, etc. … 

Elisheva:  And you can also stop watching your feed, it’s magical what that does to you!

David: Yah you can, but the opponent will find a way to get in. 

So, imagine you are at a dinner table and a person says, “I love this” and it’s totally opposite of what you believe – like a political thing or whatever. At that moment you say, “Pause … just an illusion.” Everything is an illusion. They could come out on the news and they could say, “We are entering nuclear war.” and you say, “No, it’s just an illusion.” And when you say that, and when you pause, you are entering that reality. It’s the higher levels of your soul. 

I am not saying be dumb and put your head in the sand. I’m saying when you connect to that reality –where everything is an illusion – you start to be given information and wisdom in the right circumstances to make a difference or take action if needed. But if you ever try to take action from the place of the chaos, from the place of the illusion, you’ll never achieve anything … because you are playing in the world of chaos.  

So, everything is an illusion. This happened and that happened. Pause. Total illusion. Connect with the light. And then the light of your soul will guide you into the right way.  

Elisheva: What David just said is so important. Rewind it. Repeat it. Just click those last 4 minutes and listen to it over and over again. Because this week, according to the Kabbalistic calendar, is the week that will be paved with the type of illusion that brings us into the entire year. 

David: Right … it’s the biggest illusionary week of the entire year is this week (Tisha B’Av).  

Elisheva:  So, if you do anything this week, do what David just said. Do not feed the fear, negativity and the things that provoke you. I want to share something because I don’t know if losing the money speaks to everybody. But something happened to me on Saturday that got me very upset and I could not sleep Saturday night because of it. True confessions of a Kabbalah teacher and I don’t think anybody knew I was upset. 

David: You’re very good at hiding your “upsetness”. 

Elisheva:  Years of acting class actually. Pisces, acting class certainty helps. 

So, I had a lot of trouble sleeping and I realized that this is that time of year that the universe is going to serve us on a silver platter all of the things that we need strength (I don’t want to say our weaknesses necessarily). And before I went to sleep, I saw something that was highlighting something that I thought I put to bed already. And I decided, come the end of this week – this negative period we discussed; we are in this three-week period, and the last 9 days of it are the most intense. The most intense day is this week. And Friday we will start to see the energy starts to ebb into next week, which has one of the most positive days of the year (and we will talk about that next week). The reality is that I said to myself, “If after this week, and energy of this week is over and it still bothers me and is still an issue, I am going to deal with it. But for right now it’s just going to be an illusion. And for whatever the 8 hours … or however long I was upset about it. It wasn’t all day, but it was several hours. I thought bummer that the opponent got me to lose that time. And obviously I was feeding the kids and doing things and wasn’t like I was taking 3 hours and mulling it over.

So, do what I did. That’s really what I am sharing. When something bothers and you and makes you angry, it may be valid. But you don’t know because of the nature of this week’s energy. So, put it on a shelf and if it still bothers you come, Friday, Saturday, Sunday of next week, there may be something to look at. And I bet … and I would seriously put money on it if that were my compulsion, but it’s not … that those things will not be important next week. And you’ll realize that it was all a set up to test your spiritual prowess. And it’s not like at the end you get a reward. The reward itself is that you are no longer at that lower level where you were angry about things. That there are things where you get the reward in the form of energy and strength rather than the $1000 in your bank. And it may result in $1000 in your bank or even $5000 because you didn’t feel the illusion of lack. I am no longer feeling the illusion that. What happened on Saturday is my reality and therefore I could be literally writing it out of my script. But if it’s still in my script come next week, I know it’s something I need to address.  

David: And I want to be very clear. We are not saying be in denial and pretend like it doesn’t exist. What is happening is happening. What is the illusion is what you think is destructive about it.  

Because I know a class of people, that when the Covid virus hit (and they’re not even studying kabbalah), and they came to me and they said “This is phenomenal. I don’t know why it’s phenomenal, but I am going to connect to this reality and all of the sudden they attracted this. And that scenario –  and it’s been the best thing for them financially, when in reality it should have been the worst thing for them. So, they basically identified right away that there are two realities, and they just connected to the one that was the perfected reality.  

So, both two realities always exist. Connect to the perfected reality. We aren’t saying step away and do nothing, because then you are not connecting to anything. We are saying that the chaos right now … we are saying is an illusion because there is actually a reality that is perfected. I want to connect to that. What do I need to do and how do I need to approach it? And you may need to take the same actions that you are taking now in your life, but with a different mindset. The mindset that I am connecting to the perfected reality, not the destructive, lack reality; and I am going to try and fix it and fix people, or make a stand or ignore people, etc. 

Elisheva:  If someone bothered me on Saturday this week, I am not ignoring them this week and feeding the situation this week because it may have just been a construct of my imagination. Which is totally possible in these 3 weeks. if you want to study and all our listeners get a discount. It is the most life changing course we have ever done. And it actually has content we don’t do in our live courses because we have bite size videos for people that their schedule doesn’t allow to listen to the main course. I recommend listening to both. And if you are taking Global One … taking this in tandem is an even deeper way to learn the content if you want to do it in tandem with it.   

And thank you for liking and sharing so our audience grows. And if you missed us, it’s on Facebook and people are asking us how to hear it again. 

Have a fabulous week and be on your toes, because we don’t want to give in to any (as David said) “illusions”. And we will see you next week on the Weekly Energy Boost.


Understanding Emotions


Uprooting Anger