Personal Growth, Achieving Your Potential Elisheva Balas Personal Growth, Achieving Your Potential Elisheva Balas

The Invisible Progress of Life

This week we delve into the depths of personal growth and spiritual enlightenment, framed within the context and concepts of unification and concealment, revealing profound insights into the nature of progress and transformation.

True progress and enlightenment often happen away from the public eye, in the quiet moments of introspection and personal struggle.

Come contemplate the hidden dimensions of your personal and spiritual journeys to understand what aspects are typically hidden from us and for what reasons - as well as what our truth really is and how to find it offering ancient wisdom that resonates with contemporary struggles and triumphs. The episode illuminates how progress often occurs in the unseen realms of our lives, where the most significant transformations are nurtured in secrecy before they manifest in the visible world.

Disparate aspects of our lives and selves can come together in harmony, often in ways that are not immediately apparent. Concealment is a necessary phase of growth, where the seeds of change are sown in the hidden chambers of our hearts and minds, eventually blossoming into visible change.

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Transformation, Resilience, Personal Growth Elisheva Balas Transformation, Resilience, Personal Growth Elisheva Balas

Bad Chapters, Wrong Paths and Failed Dreams: How to Put Things Behind Us

Learn how to rewrite the stories from the so called bad chapters of our lives and turn the wrong paths unto the right ones, and how our failures can lead to our most successful outcomes imaginable. Weaving trust and growth mindset together makes the quest for inner peace an attainable one. Together with unconditional acceptance, we'll use this week to climb another spiritual ladder for a soul's eye view on how very perfect the journey has been (so far).

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Transformation, Mindfullness, Personal Growth Elisheva Balas Transformation, Mindfullness, Personal Growth Elisheva Balas

Kabbalah and Mental Health

Embark on a transformative exploration of inner healing and personal growth in this insightful conversation about mental health, Kabbalah and the impact of self-awareness on one’s well being. Discover grounding techniques for relaxation and enhanced focus, and how these techniques can contribute to a more balanced and mindful life. This week our conversation offers wisdom and insights that bridge the gap between the spiritual and the psychological, offering a holistic perspective on emotional healing and personal growth.

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Lasting Energy, Personal Growth, Astrology Elisheva Balas Lasting Energy, Personal Growth, Astrology Elisheva Balas

No More Trading Off

Human beings are wired to seek pleasure and avoid pain, sometimes foregoing much desired long term goodness for a fleeting yet instant moment of thrill. How can we strive for greatness when we're constantly chasing relief? What are the tools and strategies that can rewire us for lasting greatness and fulfillment? This is the week to reconcile the inner conflict between instant gratification and long term success, so don't miss out on the opportunity to leave behind whatever beliefs, memories and behaviors that are limiting you.

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Emotions, Personal Growth, Compassion Elisheva Balas Emotions, Personal Growth, Compassion Elisheva Balas

When to Extend a Helping Hand: Empathy in Action

This week invites us to reflect on the moments of transition and departure in our own journeys. As we walk out the door how do we create a presence that can affect peoples lives? How and why should we become more magnetic and show that we are present to all things, all people, all situations. Tap into the energy of the week and learn the art of presence.

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manifestation, Personal Growth, Spirituality Elisheva Balas manifestation, Personal Growth, Spirituality Elisheva Balas

Our Words Made Manifest: Transforming Our Physical Reality

Do our words and actions have the power to shape our reality? The concept of making a vow or an oath is central to this episode, as it teaches us that by making a conscious commitment, we can actively transform our circumstances and manifest our desired outcomes. By making conscious choices, we can actively transform our reality and manifest our desired outcome. We will discuss practical tools as to how we can tap into the power of our words and actions to create the life we want this week and beyond.

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The Soul's Progress: Measuring Our Spiritual Growth and Fulfillment

How can we measure something that isn't tangible or quantifiable? How does our spiritual progress compare to everyone else's? The wisdom of Kabbalah offers tools and techniques for tracking our spiritual progress and understanding the signs of spiritual evolution, and offering insights and guidance on how to stay motivated and on track in our spiritual journey. We discuss the role of spiritual practice, self-reflection, and inner work in our journey, and share Kabbalistic teachings and real-life experiences of cultivating a deeper connection to the divine and our own soul.

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Leaving A Spiritual Legacy

According to Kabbalah teachings, death is not an end, but rather a transition from one state of being to another. The soul is believed to pass through different levels of consciousness and spiritual evolution, eventually reunited with the divine source. Embark on a discovery of this process to better understand your own life and journey as we unearth Kabbalistic secrets and wisdom about the soul's journey after life.

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The Kabbalah of Death: The Most Joyful Way To Die

According to Kabbalah teachings, death is not an end, but rather a transition from one state of being to another. The soul is believed to pass through different levels of consciousness and spiritual evolution, eventually reunited with the divine source. Embark on a discovery of this process to better understand your own life and journey as we unearth Kabbalistic secrets and wisdom about the soul's journey after life.

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Mindfullness, Personal Growth, Self Care Elisheva Balas Mindfullness, Personal Growth, Self Care Elisheva Balas

Spiritual Sanctuary: Tips for Building Your Own

The kabbalists emphasize the significance of creating spiritual space and this week we have the support to build our own personal sanctuary no matter where we may be. Discover what to do when you dont have a private location, how to incorporate elements that are meaningful to you, and the inner and exterior aspects of creating a sanctuary for one's spiritual practice. Find out how ritual and intention can establish a sacred space and how to incorporate these elements into your practice.

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Intuition, Leadership, Personal Growth Elisheva Balas Intuition, Leadership, Personal Growth Elisheva Balas

Finding Your Inner Leader: A Soul's Perspective

It's time to delve into the topic of leadership and how to effectively lead in both business and life. Spirituality can play a powerful role in cultivating strong leadership skills, such as empathy, vulnerability, and authenticity. From setting a clear vision and inspiring others to making tough decisions and leading with purpose, this conversation offers practical advice and spiritual insights for anyone looking to take on a leadership role in their personal or professional lives.

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Forgiveness, Inner Voice, Personal Growth Elisheva Balas Forgiveness, Inner Voice, Personal Growth Elisheva Balas

Bringing Closure: A Spiritual Guide to Ending Things

This week we discuss "ending things" from a spiritual perspective. Join us as we explore the challenges and opportunities that come with bringing closure to various aspects of our lives, whether it be relationships, careers, or personal goals. Learn practical tools on how to navigate the often-difficult process of letting go and finding peace in the endings of life. Through a combination of personal anecdotes and spiritual wisdom, this episode offers a thought-provoking and uplifting look at the transformative power of ending things.

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Spirituality, Enlightenment, Personal Growth Elisheva Balas Spirituality, Enlightenment, Personal Growth Elisheva Balas

Q&A: Mystical Kabbalistic Facts Part I

You asked, we answer! This episode is dedicated to what our listeners want to know about Kabbalstic practices and principles. From the concept of tzimtzum and the tree of life, to the belief in reincarnation and the importance of tikkun, our conversation offers a wealth of knowledge and insights for those interested in learning more about Kabbalah. Whether you are new to Kabbalah or have been studying it for years, we invite you to join the discussion and keep asking questions!

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Public Speaking, Inner Voice, Personal Growth Elisheva Balas Public Speaking, Inner Voice, Personal Growth Elisheva Balas

The Kabbalah of Public Speaking: A Fear Worse Than Death

Whether your audience is your partner, your office, your family or adoring fans, Kabbalah can help us overcome the fear of public speaking. Discover the spiritual principles for inner strength and confidence when standing in front of an audience and practical tips for calming the nerves and channeling positive energy. By delving into the wisdom of Kabbalah, we unearth a unique and uplifting approach to conquering the fear of public speaking.

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Personal Growth, Motivation, Inner Voice Elisheva Balas Personal Growth, Motivation, Inner Voice Elisheva Balas

Shine Brighter: Being a Light When We Don't Feel It

Being a light in the darkness involves bringing hope and healing to those experiencing difficult times but also to ourselves. This week, we'll break down how to be a light in the darkness, how to offer support and comfort to others, practice compassion and ways to actively seek out ways to make a positive difference in the world. It is easy to cultivate qualities of compassion, understanding, and unconditional love when we remember that our true nature is in fact love and Light.

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Finding Your Inner Compass: A Spiritual Approach to Making Big Things Happen

Sometimes, despite our best efforts, things may not change in the way we want or expect. This can be frustrating and disheartening, but it is important to remember that change is a journey, not a destination. By letting go of the need to control the outcome and focusing on the present moment, we can find greater peace and acceptance in the face of change.

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Motivation, Personal Growth, Self Love Elisheva Balas Motivation, Personal Growth, Self Love Elisheva Balas

Chasing Greatness: A Spiritual Guide to Achieving Your Dreams

Greatness is not in what we achieve, but in what we overcome. This week we delve into and examine the intense discipline and passion that fuels the pursuit of greatness. From our relationships with mentors, teachers, writers, and the loved ones around us, this episode offers a thought-provoking look at what it takes to achieve greatness - which is the greatest expression of our unique Light.

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Free Yourself from Patterns

How can we break free from patterns that no longer serve us? Kabbalah offers the principle of Tikkun, or "repair." Bringing awareness to our thoughts and actions in the present moment helps us break free of limiting patterns and as a result, heal ourselves and the world. This week, we will learn to how to see the shells that conceal our true nature, and detach from behaviors that keep you trapped in these ultimately unfulfilling patterns.

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