Cultivating Abundance


The universe wants everything for us, including financial success. It’s actually our birthright to be prosperous. But we believe that prosperity is a source of happiness, when in fact it’s a result. In this episode we talk with @Batya_Solomon about how to grow our consciousness around money and begin cultivating an abundance mindset to attract more sustenance into our lives.



ELISHEVA: Good morning everyone. Good evening. Good afternoon wherever you are and welcome to the Weekly Energy Boost. My name is Elisheva and I am here again, lucky me … every month it seems we get to have Batya Solomon on the show. This week we are talking about Cultivating Abundance and we are launching to a month-long exploration of what it means to be successful. 

The Weekly Energy Boost is a 7-day spiritual energy forecast and what we do each week is provide our listeners with the most powerful and practical tools. This month is really about success without side effects. Creating abundance, prosperity without limitation and so every week this month we are delving into an aspect of that.  

I couldn’t have a better partner to open up this topic than Batya Solomon who has a series on called Prosperity Principles and she also does individual coaching around this subject. Can you start by at least sharing with us how you got into being this Prosperity Princess? Prosperity Queen? Property Whisperer? 

BATYA: I like that, prosperity whisperer. Thank you for having me on your podcast, I’m very grateful. 

ELISHEVA: We need our own podcast. How did this find you, let’s put it that way? 

BATYA: I've always had a fascination with manifestation. Everybody’s gifted. Everybody has gifts in this world. One of my gifts is manifestation. There’s a system to it and I’m very grateful to have that as my gift, quite frankly. And I love abundance, but it’s not what people think it is, you know. A lot of times when people think of prosperity they think about money, money, money and I want to have a lot of money. But it’s really not about that. It’s about happiness. And you know that saying ‘Money doesn’t make you happy” and all the people say, “Yeah, sure let me have some of that money and then we’ll talk.”  But the funny thing is money is not the cause of anything — it’s the effect. And it’s the effect of what? Consciousness. What’s the consciousness that money is the effect of? And it’s the consciousness of gratitude; it’s the consciousness of appreciation. It’s really the reflection of how we are in relationships, believe it or not.  

There's a beautiful story that I love to tell, about an old man … a rich man. He’s got his yacht and he goes to one of those beautiful tropic places somewhere in the world where the waters are pristine, and life is this idyllic little village. And he’s walking along the path and he sees the dock and there’s a young man fishing. And they get to talking. And he says to the young man, “you know my favorite thing in the world is fishing, do you mind if I sit down and fish with you?” And the young fisherman says, “No, please go ahead.” And they get to the talking and the rich man becomes fond of the young fisherman … he’s married, he has kids, and he fishes to feed his family and with the money left over he can use it for other things. So, the old man wants to help him and says, “You know if you work extra hard, you can get more fish and more money.” And the young man says, “well what would I do with the money?” And the rich man says, ‘’Well you could buy a boat.” And he says, “Well what would I do with a boat?” And he says, “Well then you could use the boat to catch more fish.” And the young man says, “And then what would l do?” And the rich man says, “Well if you catch more fish you can make even more money!” And the young man says, “And then what would I do?” And the rich man says, “Well then you can get two boats.” “And what then?” “Well, you keep doing that you can get a fleet of boats and can manage them and catch more fish and make more money and on and on and on … “Like me. I’ve been doing this for 50 years.” And the young man asks, “Well what about your wife? And what about your children?” And he says, “Well I had to sacrifice something to get my riches. But look at me now, I have all the physical comforts one could imagine.” And again, the young man says, “Yes, but what about your wife and kids?” And he says, “Well I am on my sixth wife and my kids aren’t speaking to me. But they all have comfortable lives and it’s afforded me the opportunity to do what I love to do, which is be right here with you fishing.” And the young man looks at him and says, “Well I’m doing that right now…” 

And I love that story because I think a lot of people have a lot of misunderstandings about what it is to be prosperous. They’re brainwashed to think that the person that has more ‘stuff’ is the prosperous one. If you have a lot of money – there’s nothing wrong with having a lot of money – but money doesn’t only make a person happy. It’s not the fulfillment, it’s the cherry on the cake. It’s up to us to build that cake and we have everything we need to build that cake. The truth is it’s all about consciousness. 

ELISHEVA: Usually David (who is most of the time on the show) will jump in around this time and say, “Well let’s talk about this fundamental concept.” And for those of you who are reading this and have not studied Kabbalah yet, we learn in Kabbalah that we as individuals are cups/vessels, intended for the sake of receiving the light force of The Creator.  

What we learn in Kabbalah is how to grow and expand our vessel. The important thing about this concept is that we are created for the sake of being fulfilled. I think when people are on their spiritual journey, there is this misconception to reject physicality – ‘I shall not want!’ Being materialistic or having anything of material value is wasteful or a waste of time, i.e., ‘money is the root of all evil’. There’s a lot of corruption around where physicality and spirituality meet. And Kabbalistically speaking the entire universe was created for the sake of manifestation – that’s actually the gift of being a human being – is that we have the gift of being able to bridge the physical world and the spiritual world and draw into the physical world spiritual light. 

So, when we talk about abundance, prosperity … I’ll even use the word ‘money’, the idea is that all of this is actually energy. Energy to fill a spiritual vessel that is each and every human being on the planet. I doubt there are many people on that planet that would say, “I feel so happiness and I feel so guilty.” 

BATYA: There are people that say that. You mean people that feel they have too much money, they’re guilty about that?

ELISHEVA: People that have issues around money that they don’t have around love, happiness, health. Are you greedy for health? I am greedy for health. But being greedy for money – no that’s terrible. 

BATYA: But that’s a misconception. Also that money is not spiritual. I see this a lot. One of the biggest blockages I see with people that say they want, they don’t have, they say they want – deep down inside there’s a belief that I’m spiritual and money isn’t. Money and I can’t live together anymore, because if I embrace money then I am not spiritual anymore. Totally a lie! 

ELISHEVA: There are many sages throughout history that were rich, wealthy and had everything taken care of for them. 

BATYA: It’s a blessing to be rich and it’s a sin to be poor.  

ELISHEVA: Now you’re going to have to explain that. You’ll get a lot of people upset with what you just said.

BATYA: Let’s revisit that statement. If those religious people, who just got offended by what I said … go read your bible – what I call the handbook of humanity – the Bible. It says right there in the first chapter Genesis, “I give you everything in the physical world to rule over, the beasts, the fish in the sea, every seed-bearing plant is under your jurisdiction and you have command of everything.” 

So, when we do our job. That’s a blessing. When we don’t do our job, we are giving our power away to other forces and we are not doing our job. We know that in Kabbalah if you want to know the essence of anything you must look at the Hebrew letters. Not for any religious purpose … take the religion out of it. Look strictly at the Hebrew letters as the DNA of materiality in this world. They are the spiritual nano-robots that take consciousness and are the bridge between the consciousness and physical form. And you’ll see the essence in everything. 

The word for sin is Averah (root Ayin-Bet-Resh) and Averah is also the same word for transfer of energy. When you take that precious energy our responsibility and manifest abundance in this world – we take it and we give it over to someone else, we blame them for it and then we become poor – that’s a sin. That’s what it means a sin. Not that you’re a bad person, I’m a bad person. It’s not about good or bad at all. It’s about cause and effect. 

I want to take a moment to talk about the definition of prosperity. Who is a prosperous person? A person who has the means, the time and the people in their lives to enjoy their life with. Enjoy their life. Not everybody wants to be a billionaire. Not everybody needs to be a billionaire. It’s not about how much money.  People get caught up in if I have X amount of money – then I am going to be rich or then I am going to be happy … It never works that way. Never. A person could have a lot of money and not be connected to the blessing of that money. By society’s standards a person could have less money and be completely connected to the blessings of their money – meaning that they have what they need and have even more to share, who to share it with and the time to spend it. That’s a rich life. And we want to be constantly striving and striving for a richer and richer life. 

The blockages to prosperity is that dirty word ‘should’. I should. I just had this heartbreaking conversation with a lovely young man, just starting out in life, completely confused graduating from college, USC (didn’t have to pay anyone to get in there) and completely confused about his life and where he wants to go. And I could see clearly … I tell my students in coaching I can save them 10 years of therapy with one conversation. With him he was so stuck because of ‘should’. Tell me what I should do. What should I want? What should I be? And that’s a killer of all kinds of joy, prosperity for sure. When we allow ourselves and our thinking to be wrapped up in that dirty word ‘should’. Take it out of your vocabulary. Replace it with the word ‘choose’. What do you choose to have in your life? What do you choose? It’s not about someone else’s opinion of you. What’s your passion? What’s your choice? 

So, prosperity is when you have a desire, and you fulfill that desire. And even more prosperous when your desire brings benefit to other people around you somehow; it’s a value to other people’s lives and now you have a winning formula for prosperity.  

ELISHEVA: The other side of the coin, you said ‘should’ … I think another ‘blessing killer’ is ‘just’. If I could just pay the bills. If I could just make it to the end of the year. If I could just find the right person. If I could just get the right promotion. You can apply this to anything. What are you really saying? You’re saying, “I don’t want anything.” 

BATYA: It’s a sin!

ELISHEVA: Right. You’re taking whatever you have earned and deserve and even the underhand blessings that are coming towards you and you are saying, “Don’t give it to me”.  I want only what I can fit in my little Dixie cup. Again, going back to that idea of the vessel … and by the way I don’t know how many of our listeners realize that the word Kabbalah means “to receive” – it is the study of how to have it all and we are meant to have it all. And you may hear on our show lots of esoteric, mystical, and lots of practical things as well and Kabbalists’ teach us by understanding how the universe works, we can have it all – that’s the secret.  

BATYA: The problem is we don’t want it all. Most people don’t want it all … they ‘just’. Just give me… I make $10 an hour … I just want to make $15 and hour. 

ELISHEVA: If I only made $15, I would be … And this is an illusion and it’s a crime. Don’t call it a sin it’s a crime … 

BATYA: By the way it’s also a sin, but it’s a crime too. 

ELISHEVA: Batya let’s talk about ways to shift that mindset. 

BATYA: By the way I have to go back to the sin thing now that you’ve said it … let’s go back to the ten rules or suggestions for living your best life – mistranslated as the Ten Commandments, right? 

ELISHEVA: Let’s talk about ways to shift that mindset. 

BATYA: So, one of the suggestions, I will always say to anyone who will listen to me – because I believe this is the road to world peace – if you realize that you are an immortal soul having a series of human experiences. Everything in this world is temporary. We came into this world with nothing and we are leaving with NOTHING. You can’t take a pair of socks with you. Nothing. Therefore, everything in this physical world is just on loan, it’s just a practice for us we are just learning in a school here learning how to resist temptation and be magnanimous in our sharing.

And the ten suggestions guide us in how to live our best lives and one of those suggestions is – it’s not a good idea to steal. Let’s talk about stealing. We use the word sin – it’s a sin to steal. Thou shall not steal. What does stealing mean? When the universe wants to give me something or when I see a hundred dollars on the table and it doesn’t have my name on it and it belongs to somebody else and I don’t trust that whatever I have is due to my own accountability in life, my own soul choices. Maybe my ego didn’t know what was going on, but my soul chose this challenge in my life – and even poverty might be one of them. And I am not trusting the system and a person sees the hundred dollars on the table and they go and take the hundred dollars they took one percent of energy. Ninety-nine percent of the energy is what the money represents – it’s nothing it’s just a piece of paper. Try to go on a deserted island with millions of pieces of paper. What are you going to do? You are going to burn it for fuel and try to keep warm. It has no value of its own, just the value we assign it. So, the person steals and takes what doesn’t belong to them – takes those dollars and they ‘think’ they got $100. But it’s an illusion. But they don’t have $100.  It’s an illusion … it’s pieces of paper – Ninety-nine percent of that energy never left the person that it belongs to. 

And even when that person takes those pieces of paper and tries to spend or use them, they’re going to have one hundred percent, or two hundred percent of misery because the universe – that’s the law … you have to give back twice what you steal, right? 

So, the person is taking that energy and its slipping through their fingers. What did we say a ‘sin’ was? We said the Hebrew word Averah, where the energy doesn’t stay with us – it goes to the dark side and let’s just leave it at that. 

So that’s what I mean when I say it’s a sin. We don’t claim what is ours and we want something that doesn’t belong to us – because we didn’t earn it. 

So what do we want? 

Well. For me, because I am passionate about prosperity is matching people up with their true desires … because people think they want something because they should want it, but they really don’t want it. 

I just had a conversation with someone – true story by the way – and I asked him, “How much money do you want to make?” And he said, “I want to make 100K a year.” And I said, “Okay great. What do you do for a living?” “I sell insurance.” “Okay tell me how you spend your time” “9:00 have some breakfast, do a crossword puzzle … long story short. Is that the personality of someone who is going to make 100K a year? No, because he doesn’t really have a vessel. Vessel means a desire. Most of the time when someone doesn’t have the definition of prosperity – meaning complete with your life or happy – you have the means, you love what you do, you love whom you are with and you still have a desire for more – that’s the winning formula. 

ELISHEVA: And by the way, having a desire for more doesn’t mean you are not happy with what you have now. I think a lot of people have corrupted that mindset as well. Wanting more is an expression of ingratitude.  

BATYA: Exactly. How dare you want more! Be happy with what you have AND want more. It’s not a contradiction. We’ve got to because the pleasure of life is the circulation of energy – it’s not being stuck with something. As long as energy is moving, we are happy. 

ELISHEVA: As David would say, “Don’t be a swamp. Be a river.”  By the way, if you’re live I want to give some context to this … which is Tuesday is the New Moon of Sagittarius and the reason we chose this topic for today and we are going to carry it through the month – is that one of the gifts of this month is to be able to increase our ability to be a channel, a river and have better flow and increase the flow in our lives. So, one of the things we always mention during the time around the New Moon is that from Monday to Tuesday night (and if you are listening after don’t worry because this energy resonates throughout this month) but that window in time – those 24 hours – the more you can see yourself and behave in that space of being channel – and being a channel doesn’t mean having money and giving money – it can be wisdom, love, literally any frequency of energy that you can contain you can also be a channel for it. 

BATYA: It says in the Zohar, and if you have been listening for a while you know that Kabbalah is based on the Zohar, it says that every person is given gifts – money, good looks, speech, everybody has some … Kind of talent, and if you use that talent, that gift that was given — and by the way money is a gift, don’t kid yourself … all these people that write a book and make money and ‘let me tell you how to do it’, they make more money selling their books and trainings and they’re the only ones getting rich! Nobody else is able to duplicate their systems because they are in denial about the fact that it is a gift to begin with. However, everybody has their job to do in the world. But when you have a gift, whatever gift you have, and when you use it for sake of sharing, and you use it for the sake of adding value to other people’s lives … that gift becomes your blessing. It becomes your source of prosperity. That’s the gift. BUT, if you use it for selfish purposes, for manipulative purposes and say, ”Oh I am going to use these people, and I’ll dangle this money in front of their face and they’ll think if they are friends with me, I’ll buy them this or buy them that because I am good looking, etc.” – whatever the ‘selfish agenda’ is – that gift turns into a curse. 

So, if you are asking yourself, “How can I have more in my life?” I am encouraging you, right now as you are listening to this podcast to ask yourself, “How am I in this conversation?” “Where am I in this conversation?” Do I let my fears control me? Do I want what other people have and I am not blessing what I already have? Do I have gifts? What are my gifts? Even if you are a great organizer – so many gifts are obvious but there are so many gifts that are subtle … What are your gifts? 

My gift, like I say is Manifestation. I manifest helping other people manifest. Prosperity is the ability to take a thought and manifest it into the physical dimension. So, we are walking talking in our virtual reality suits, but we are balls of consciousness … that’s what we are. And so, what manifestation is – is taking what’s in our consciousness and it’s like churning cream into butter. You churn, churn, churn it, and it starts in one state and it ends up in a solid state. A thought is like a liquid state and we want to bring it into a solid state. A new business. A great relationship. Better Health. Something creative – you want to write a book. Whatever it is you want to do. Whatever conditions you want to create – you have the power to do that. If you are not doing that there are only two reasons why … One is, you don’t know how or two you don’t really want it. And I think that is the number one reason why people don’t manifest (and I said this before) is that people don’t know what they want.  

Usually in my private coaching practice I say, “What do you want?” Ninety-nine percent of the time people say, “I don’t know what I want, but let me tell you what I don’t want.”  Now, there’s a spiritual law that which we bring attention to increases. So, if we are focused on what’s not working, guess what increases? If we keep talking and have that ‘lack’ conversation going on, “I need money, I need money, I need money. I’m going to go out of business, and I need money…” Don’t go into business with anyone that talks that way because it’s not going to end well. Just saying … because the focus is on the lack, not the abundance.  

I gotta lose weight. I gotta lose weight. I gotta lose weight. People get fatter and fatter every time they say “I gotta lose weight”. Because they are giving the command to the universe, focus on that if I have to lose weight – that means I am fat. It’s about changing the conversation in your mind and bringing it out into the physical world. I am loved. I am valued. I am supported. I am rich. I am abundant. I have so much to share. Allowing your heart to fill with love for other people and just extending that love already changes the conditions around you. It’s only a matter of time before you have evidence – like planting a seed – have evidence of planting a seed that becomes a tree and then the fruit that will come from that. That’s their way that things work in this world and I am fascinated by it and I can’t get enough of it. 

ELISHEVA: What do you say to people who say that they’ve tried everything or maybe they are not meant to have a lot or in this life they chose to be poor. You know that there’s certain people that, no matter what, they do they can’t create a breakthrough for themselves.  

BATYA: Like I said, if a person isn’t getting what they want, then they don’t really want what they say they want, or they’re retrying to bargain about the price of it. Everything in this world has a price and there’s no such thing as a free lunch. So, if you are going to sit on your couch all day long and think, I’m rich, I’m rich, I’m rich … that’s not gonna work. There’s no such thing as the law of attraction. I hate to burst some bubbles out there. There is something called the law of repulsion. That is a spiritual law. Law of affinity/law of repulsion. Why is there no such thing as Law of Attraction? I don’t know who came up with that, although I have my suspicions and there was a commercial agenda there, but whatever. Anyways, the Law of Attraction implies there are two entities – there is me and there is something out there that I want to bring to me. But in Kabbalah there is no such thing. We know that Light (potential energy) and physical entity (receiver) are one. It’s an axiom that we just can’t wrap our heads around in this world. Light and vessel are one. Everything that we want we are channeling it from the upper world into this world. There’s nothing out there for you. There’s only what’s in here — it’s only my belief system, it’s only what I choose to believe. For example, there are people who their attitude about money … I remember I met one person and her attitude was great. She said, “Ugh, I lost $30,000 last year, I’ll just have to generate more money.” She expects it to happen, she knows it, she expects it, she is willing to do whatever it takes – in an ethical moral way of course – but she’s willing to put the physical one percent action into it. And the ninety-nine percent consciousness. Letting the Light Force of the Creator work through me, telling me, giving me inspiration. Call that person. Read that book. The minute you want something (and test me on this by the way) whatever your desire is its already done, on a metaphysical plane. Now to bring it into a physical plane, pay attention to the way the Universe / The Creative Force will talk to you. Someone will say read that book, watch that movie, meet me at the park at 3:00. Whatever it is, we are going to help you get what you want. You said you wanted it? Done. Now we just have to deliver it into the physical plane. That’s manifestation and you know what we all do it.  

I’ll give you a simple example. I’m hungry. What I do, I visualize a tuna sandwich with lettuce and pickles and tomatoes, and mayo on a healthy bread and I see it on a plate in my kitchen. How many times do we do that? I am hungry and I say to myself, “Okay, what do I want?” “What do I feel like eating?” What do you FEEL like eating? I’m feeling it, I’m viscerally experiencing it before it even shows up. And then what happens? I get off the sofa, stop my binge watching for a few minutes and go to the kitchen and assemble all these things and I sit down, and I eat my sandwich. That’s manifestation. We do it all the time. Except that a lot of people don’t realize that I’m not really trained to use the same thing — the same thinking, the same tools, the same consciousness we use all the time and apply it in a more directed way. Because we are always manifesting our desires … we just don’t realize what our desires are. So, it’s like giving an 8-year-old the keys to the car. He has no idea what he’s doing, where he is going and how he is getting there and will probably smash the car into a wall thinking, ‘Oh my god, the world is a terrible place!’ No. We have everything we need to manifest anything we want. What’s the mission of the Kabbalah Center? To manifest global peace. That’s what we are working towards here and we already want to be in that headspace of Global Peace and feel it in our hearts. Believe me, one person makes a whole difference. So, whether you want to manifest abundance in your personal life or you want to manifest abundance of the planet – it all follows the same world. And its’ about working it, living it, before it shows up. And having a really, really good reason as to how it’s going. To help other people. Because there is another spiritual law – that if someone is going to do something and they just want it for their selfish purposes – if they get it, they’ll get it with a lot of chaos or they’ll get it for a short time and then it will leave. And this explains why some people have money and then they lose money. They have a great relationship and then they lose a great relationship. Why? Because there was too much desire to receive for the self alone and not for the sake of sharing. It’s violating spiritual laws … that’s really what we are talking about here. Living in harmony. It’s spiritual laws. 

Because look at Planet earth. If you stop and you think about planet earth for one minute – it never stops giving us, it’s always producing. There’s always food, there’s always rain, always sunshine. The system is going on, and we screw up the system, and we interfere with the system. But if we would just let the system do its thing … sustenance, what we need to live, would always be there. It IS always there. It’s actually raining money just as we speak. Just feel it … not men (well for some of us maybe). But for the rest of us let’s say it’s raining money, health, happiness, abundance, relationship.  

I encourage you … and even challenge you walk around thinking like that. “Wow it’s raining money on me right now.” How would I behave? What would I do? What would be different about me if I was already so overflowing with happiness, with love, with feeling rich? How would I treat the people around me? Well I got news for you — if you started to treat the people around you from that perspective it’s only a matter before those opportunities to manifest it will show up. Does that mean that’s all you have to do? No. We live in a physical world, so we have to do our one percent part. 

ELISHEVA:  I want to represent the listeners and one of the things that we have gotten a lot of emails about over the last six to eight to ten months. And because of the pandemic a lot of people lost their job.

BATYA: And a lot of people made a lot of money.  

ELISHEVA: Well, I am representing the people that lost their job. Or you have people that are in periods in their life … like you shared before – like the guy that goes to school full time, or the stay-at-home mom whose role right now and for next few years is not to generate income, not to take a job, but to take creative of her family (or his family for that matter). How can you be in a prosperous mindset?

BATYA: Well, everything you just said is coming from a limited mindset; dare I say, ‘victim’ perspective. 

ELISHEVA: I want to talk about this. Because there is a lot of people that are sitting in this space right now. 

BATYA: Okay here’s the reason why a lot of people are broke. They don’t want to change. I’ll just put it right out there. If you have been hit by the pandemic and you are waiting for life to go back to the way, it was … Nope. It’s not going back to the way it was. You gotta learn to change with the times. Money always exists. It just changes form. Industries change. For all the people that lost their job, other people are making money hand over fist – and they happen to be in the plastic business, or the mask business, sanitizer business, or any business that caters to when people stay home a lot. Whatever industry … commercial real estate is down. But residential real estate is shooting through the roof, right? So, it’s not like the money disappeared, it’s just changing form. And if we want to stay stubborn and stuck and wait for the horse and buggy to come back … the horse and buggy industry is not coming back. Even the auto industry is changing. Everything is constantly changing, and you can’t hold on. Well, you can but you will suffer. And especially the message for humanity is – we’ve gotta change. We can’t hold on to the way things were. Stop being so stubborn. Look to the future. How can you be creative? 

God loves you. Let me put it that way … at the risk of sounding like a preacher right now. God is good all the time. At the risk of sounding like that … you need to know that the Universe has your back. 

ELISHEVA: The Creator is on your team cheering for you all the time. 

BATYA: Always. You’ve got a team of angels around all the time cheering you on. Here’s the problem – if you don’t realize who you are, that’s problem number one. You are an immortal soul. You are wearing a temporary virtual reality suit, playing a game that you were meant to win. That you have support to win and you also have challenges to overcome. But if you understand that, and you are not identifying with your body consciousness, and you insist on identifying with a physical you and a physical world you are playing a losing game. Just that – you are playing a losing game. Because you are immortal and this is all temporary, like I said before. Think about it … people spend their lives hoarding things. Hoarding stuff as if the person that wins the game of life collected the most stuff.

ELISHEVA: Toilet paper. The person that has the most toilet paper is going to win. 

BATYA: Exactly [laughs]. The person that has the most cars, this and that … NO. You are trying to connect to that infinite source of light … of pleasure in finite things. And I know you have to pay the rent, and I know you have to put food on the table. But that money is the effect of your interchange and relationship with people. That’s what business is. Business is business of relationships. It’s really what it is. It’s an exchange of energy. So, if you are not exchanging enough energy with enough people – you are going to be broke. But if you decide … hey what can I do (not what can I get from them)? What services can I offer that will bring a benefit to other people? This is how millionaires are made by the way. And the people who think the opposite – what do I get from people – they never leave the bottom of the financial pool … just saying. It’s the people who are constantly being a service or benefit to other people that are rising to the top and does it require hard work? Yes! 

ELISHEVA: That can also be in the day to day by the way. It’s a lesson I think that works in regard to all concepts, but it works especially well when we talk about abundance and prosperity … is in order for you to experience ‘pleasure’ – aka the light force of the Creator, blessing and everything – you have to look for it.

There are a lot of people that are just waiting for the other shoe to drop or expecting the worst. If you expect the best, you will experience it. There’s also a apropos biblical story that always reminds me of this – is Moses and the Burning Bush. I don’t remember which Kabbalist spoke about it, but they said you and I – imagine in the desert in Egypt – you would probably see a lot of bushes on fire. But because Moses was looking and saying, “Wait a second, I am seeing this for a reason. I am going to go see what is going on over there.” And again, looking at everything in life like that. You mentioned before ‘Why am I hearing this now?’ – if someone recommends a movie to us or a book. 

BATYA: It’s the way God talks to us. 

ELISHEVA: Right. If you are alert and paying attention to see and to receive the communication, you will see and hear it. And you will find that you are in the ‘Oh, I happen to have that, or I know that …’ and it happens to me, all the time when I am thinking why am I in the midst of this conversation? And two days later (I’ve shared on the show before), “OMG I was just reading about that, or I know the answer to that because I happened to be in line behind somebody talking about that exact same thing.” So, part of what it means to be a receiver in that sense is to be open – to open your senses, to open your mind or your perception about what’s taking place around you and to gravitate less to the …

BATYA: Limited physicality.

ELISHEVA: I’m trying to think of the right word. If you know that watching the news upsets or depresses or makes you angry, did you know that you can stop watching the news? You can take the notifications off your phone and stop following the people that are posting the garbage that makes you so upset. You can choose. And by choosing what I am looking at, what am I looking for, what am I drawn to … I completely change my experience of life.  

BATYA: I want to say another thing. If you think of thoughts as a frequency of energy, right? And your thoughts are generous, loving, of being of service to others, you are generating a higher frequency of energy. What’s the spiritual law? The law of affinity of form. As you are in that and insisting that no matter what is going on – the place is falling apart, you don’t know how you are going to pay your rent at the end of the month (I’m talking that extreme) – and you insist on elevating the frequency, and you can do this consciously, you are constantly elevating the frequency. You are not delusional. You are not pretending … There are physical things, there’s lack all around you. You don’t have to succumb to it. Things can change in a second – one phone call, one meeting and they do change. People appear out of nowhere! Where is the nowhere that people are appearing out of? They leave and go into nowhere. They are getting off of your spectrum of the five senses. We can invite onto our spectrum of five senses of elevated conditions – circumstances that are much more pleasurable and much more prosperous. And I don’t care what they tell you out there, there’s plenty for everyone. The only reason why people hoard things is because of fear and lack and they don’t benefit from it anyways! Your fifty rolls of toilet paper is just taking up precious room. 

ELISHEVA: And people are stuck using paper towel because you used up all the toilet paper.  

BATYA: That doesn’t help us. In spirituality there is either win/win or lose/lose. There is no win/lose. That’s an illusion. In spirituality because this is how we get ourselves out of the insanity that we are in by the way. If you want to think to yourself “The world is so helpless and hopeless, and I don’t know what to do…” Here’s what you can do  – do acts of kindness without expecting anything in return. Believe it or not, that’s going to get us all out of the darkness. If there is a critical mass of people all doing acts of kindness, embracing uncomfortable actions of kindness, without an agenda without expecting something in return … this we could turn the world around like that. [snaps fingers] 

ELISHEVA: How do people do that when you know there are countries in lockdown, people haven’t been able to see their families for months, how do you …?  

BATYA: There’s something called a telephone. You know being there for someone. Acts of sharing.

ELISHEVA: You don’t have to transfer a cookie from your pocket to someone else’s fridge? 

BATYA: You could. You could transfer money from your bank account to somebody else’s. 

ELISHEVA: No, but I’m saying it doesn’t need to be an exchange of goods in order to be considered sharing? 

BATYA: No. What I was going to say is a real magnanimous act of sharing is listening to someone. It’s one of the most healing things that someone could do. You know you pay money for 45 minutes of what? Someone’s individual attention … it is so healing. We have no idea how healing it is. Meditate on someone. Meditate on a country or on the world. See them whole, filled with light and filled with love. There is plenty we can do. We are so much more powerful than we realize. But that opponent, that dark side, convinces us … “Who am I? I am powerless. There’s nothing I can do.” It’s a lie! It’s not true. Your greatest strength is your consciousness. It’s everybody’s greatest strength. And our consciousness can easily be overthrown and kidnapped to the dark side, to feeling helpless and weak and being a victim. No. You take back that power. Prosperity is so much more than that. Prosperity is so much more than having a few more dollars in your pocket. “Oh, I’ll have x amount of money and I’ll feel rich”. You’ll never feel rich. Trust me. You gotta feel rich now and then the money will show up and then it will be the cherry on the cake and that’s the way it works. And I’ll give myself a shameless plug … Prosperity Principles every Wednesday at 11:00AM EST on and if you are interested in private coaching you can email or thru 

ELISHEVA: You left me speechless. 

BATYA: Did I? 

ELISHEVA: You did. 

BATYA: I have that habit. [laughs] 

ELISHEVA: I think that maybe the one thing that – with the last few minutes on the show – that we can share with everyone is that Kabbalstically money is energy. And the confusing part about it is that we can hold a $10, $20, $100 in our hands and really its energy is no different than love, health, happiness, etc. The corruption or the confusion around it is … Health is all good. Happiness is all good. Love is all good. But money … you can use for negative things or positive things.  

BATYA: You can take your healthy body and do negative things with it. You can take a healthy body and sabotage it.

ELISHEVA: But I’m saying the energy of love, the energy of health.

BATYA: But the thing with money is that we have been brainwashed for centuries that money is evil and that stems from people in power who wanted to keep their power – so they spread their lies and money is the root of all evil. That’s not the quote by the way … its ‘Lust of money is the root of all evil’. The lust of anything is the root of all evil. There’s no restriction there. I’m sure you talked about the restriction and the ability to pause and say no to something. Whether its money or anything else by the way … If you can’t say no to it, it owns you. You want to be the owner – not be owned – of whatever that energy from of what we are discussing is. 

So, when it comes to cultivating abundance, you have so much you can do right here, right now. First figure out – What do you want? And then pay attention to the crosscurrent of thoughts that tells you all the reasons why you shouldn’t have it or can’t have it. And one by one direct them out of your thinking. Number two … if you can’t think of anything, be kinder. Love people more. Be magnanimous. Don’t worry about running out of things. There is an endless supply. It’s about tuning the resonance of thought to the endless supply.  

ELISHEVA: We are going to talk about that in the next couple of weeks. 

BATYA: I talk about it every week! 

ELISHEVA: You know many of us say we want one thing, but our actions say otherwise. Our behavior says otherwise. So, we are going to talk more about aligning this consciousness, this prosperity mindset with prosperity behavior, habits and practices. So that’s something you can look forward to in the next couple of weeks. Final words for our friends before se sign off? 

BATYA: Live long and prosper.  

ELISHEVA: [laughs] That does sound familiar … thank you for joining us Batya. We love having you on the show. Anytime you can lend us a view we would gladly take you. 

BATYA: Thank you for having me.  

ELISHEVA: Have a fabulous week and by the way if you are watching live on YouTube – you can also find us on all podcasting platforms, so subscribe, rate, review and continue to write your comments. We will be going through them throughout the course of the week. If you have any questions you don’t want to make public, you can email us at 

Have a fabulous weekend everyone and we will see you next time on the Weekly Energy Boost.  


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